Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sam, I enjoyed reading your post about digital technology. I think that your personal take on the subject and speaking almost in a "day in the life" perspective. That perspective made your blog particularly unique. I also liked how you talked about getting the news even without using any news sources. Although you spoke well of how the internet has worked for you the only piece of criticism that I would say was that you didn't seem to take one side and defend it in regards to the general affect of digital media on society. Still great work!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

HW 7 Interviews and surveys

When I interviewed my dad about modern day digitilization his thoughts were very mixed. To put it in perspective he was born in the 1950s. A time when having a television was a luxury instead of a "social necessity". When he was growing up there were only four channels on t.v. and it wasn't a twenty four hour service. Also at the time newspapers were something that everyone considered to be important. The newspaper was delivered twice per day, a morning addition and an evening edition. Now to jump back to the modern day he lives life very twenty first century. He has a facebook he watches a lot of tv he does all of his billing online he rarely uses his land line and relies on Wi-Fi wherever he goes. So when I asked him about the state of technology today his thoughts were mixed. He said that for his life and at his age that it was great for him, but he also said that he felt like the intellectual stamina of the world was receeding with the uprise of digital technology. In other words, the pwer of suggestion, if it's no longer such a great acheivment to know the history of another country or stay connected with politics or the financial sector then why bother knowing at all? However he said that he thought that without the internet he wouldn't be able to keep in contact with many people and all of the paper work he used to have to do has been cut in half not to mention the fact that his job has become much easier.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

HW 3 Initial Thoughts Digital Unit

The constant and overwelming use of the internet is in my oppinion a shift to a digitalization of social comunication, news, and many other aspects of everyday life. Contrary to the oppinions of many I think people waste just as much time in life without the internet. Tabloid magazines television, radio. The internet has just been able to take all of those things and more and put them all under one domaine. Many critics say the internet "dumbs you down" but I think the internet just gives people choices of what they want to see. The most interesting aspect of the internet in my oppinion is the facination with social networking. Many sites make it look like your page is practically an advertisment for yourself like your trying to sell your personality to the world. The boom in digital media has the opportunity to create a more informed general public. Instead of making people go through a pain staking process of research almost all of that same information is acsessible on the internet.
The information technology boom has made a significant impact in other areas such as telecommunications. The creation of cell phone's has led to a world where everyone can communicate from virtually anywhere in the world. The type of communication that can be conducted on a cell phone has also developed. The creation of text messaging and today many phones allow one make emails on there phones and I.M. with other people. In short in this age of instant communication there's no hiding from anyone. The creation of cell phones has also created some unseen safety and health problems. Car crashes have been proven to be more common in people using cell phones.