Sunday, September 13, 2009

HW 3 Initial Thoughts Digital Unit

The constant and overwelming use of the internet is in my oppinion a shift to a digitalization of social comunication, news, and many other aspects of everyday life. Contrary to the oppinions of many I think people waste just as much time in life without the internet. Tabloid magazines television, radio. The internet has just been able to take all of those things and more and put them all under one domaine. Many critics say the internet "dumbs you down" but I think the internet just gives people choices of what they want to see. The most interesting aspect of the internet in my oppinion is the facination with social networking. Many sites make it look like your page is practically an advertisment for yourself like your trying to sell your personality to the world. The boom in digital media has the opportunity to create a more informed general public. Instead of making people go through a pain staking process of research almost all of that same information is acsessible on the internet.
The information technology boom has made a significant impact in other areas such as telecommunications. The creation of cell phone's has led to a world where everyone can communicate from virtually anywhere in the world. The type of communication that can be conducted on a cell phone has also developed. The creation of text messaging and today many phones allow one make emails on there phones and I.M. with other people. In short in this age of instant communication there's no hiding from anyone. The creation of cell phones has also created some unseen safety and health problems. Car crashes have been proven to be more common in people using cell phones.


  1. hey will, i really liked the connection to how the internet doesn't dumb you down but puts all the information together so that we can be better educated and have easier access to all the information that is available to us instead of having to look everywhere for it.

    You said that although the digitilization of the world is pulling together and at the same time making our world a more dangerous place. Which is what companies are saying. Their products are good things, but as you said, more and more car crashes are being linked to cell phone usage.

    Somethings that you could add in there is that by putting all the information in one place it could also be more accessable to people who shouldn't have it, or people who could do bad things with it. Which is why this world is such an angry place, everyone wants power and some people are willing to go to extreme lengths to get it. So maybe by making this world a little more equal we wouldn't have so many of those problems. Some of these thoughts are going in a really good direction, you should get some reasearch to back them up and turn it into something

  2. I’m not quite sure why I was assigned to will since he is not in the class but whatever.
    Will, I enjoyed reading your post. I liked the angle that you took. I appreciate your view on the topic. So far from what I have read, you seem to view our unit differently. I also liked how strong your points are.
    I cant say you had a main focus to your paper because you ran through topics so frequently. An occurring theme might be that you are fascinated with the speed at which technology is moving. Cell phones in particularly have left a strong impression on you.
    I agree that social net working has been taken to new heights. It seems like everyone wants to know when the newest Myspace or facebook is going to come out, even though they all do the same things. I didn’t get the chance to mention that in my blog but I agree a lot with that.
    I liked your comment on how people view others internet use, this might be worth expanding. You mention that critics think the internet “dumb’s you down”. Can you visualize the critic’s point of view? What action’s do we take that might allow them to think we are becoming dumber? I also feel as though your first paragraph started off very strong, your second paragraph, however, was a bit more unorganized although I feel you made some very valid points. I like how you have strong opinions but I wish you could go more in depth with them, you sort of just run past them even though they’re so strongly written.
    In your first couple of sentences you made me consider new things about this unit that I never thought of. You mentioned that people who do not use the internet frequently, waste their lives as well as the people who do. My dad always complains about my frequent use of the internet and how I’m wasting my life. But to think of it there are not much more exciting things to do in the day regardless of how I spend it. Overall I think you have some very solid ideas as a writer and look forward to reading future posts.

  3. Sam, thank you for your comment and I appreciate you taking the time to read it and give a thoughtful review. I appreciate the fact that you seem to understand my point and I also like that you agree with it in many ways.
    Reading your point about people who shouldn't have access to all the information on the internet was helpful because it got me to start thinking about information and whether or not all people should have the same information access and is that a threat to society.
    Expanding on your comment I've come to the conclusion that the freedom of information is a right that every citizen should have. Until they are comited to some kind of institution or prosecuted by the state everyone deserves the same rights and problems which come of it end up being the cost of freedom.

  4. i like your thoughts on digitalization, i personally think that the whole idea and the point that you made when you mentioned that technology makes human beings dumb i thought it was pretty funny, because its true.

    i really like your point of view on things, but i think i have a different idea on it. To me technology only seems like a way of life and humans trying to progress their ideas.I think that many people are thankful that we have cellphones and computers to communicate with everybody around the world, but i also agree with you about people waste to much time on it such as we are kind of addicted to this whole technology. i'm very happy to read your thoughts on digitalization/ technology hope to read some more soon!
