Thursday, February 25, 2010

HW 41

Gomstyn, Alice. "Top Colleges Mum on Legacy Admissions." 11/4/08. ABC News, Web. 26 Feb 2010. .
This article talks about how despite the fact the ivy league colleges are accepting less people the rate of acceptance among legacies has stayed rather consistent. Furthermore I think that this article is also trying to say that even though the legacy rate has stayed constant that doesn't mean the legacy are any less capable of doing the work.

Gasman, Marybeth. "Perspectives: A “Legacy” of Racial Injustice in American Higher Education." diverseeducation. 12/1/08. Web. 2 Mar 2010.
This article is different from the one above because in this article they discuss how legacies of wealthy and important families have caused racial descrimination within the ivy league system. Also this article shows how the financial contributions of a family to a college affect the chances of a family member beeing accepted.

Karabel, Jerome. "The Legacy of Legacies." Longview Institute. Longview Institute, Web. 2 Mar 2010. .
This article provides a brief history of legacy admissions and then talks about how universities have been forced to be much more selective with legacies forcing them to take the legacies that overpreform or come from very wealthy background

Golden, Daniel. "Admissions Preferences Given." WSJ. 13/1/03. Wall Street Journal, Web. 2 Mar 2010. In this article the author shows the parallel fight between affirmative action and legacy acceptance. In other words how legacy admission has overwelmingly favored whites and afirmative action has overmelmingly favorved minortities. Furthermore the author also shows how students at ivy league schools have been less and less in favor of legacy admission.

Cohen, Carl. "Race Preference in College Admissions." Heritage Foundation. 29.4.1998. Heritage Foundation, Web. 9 Mar 2010. .
This article published by the conserative advocacy group the Heritage foundation provides a contrast to the arguement that forced racial diversity is either morally correct or an ethic necesity. This is helpfull in my work because it helps me better understand the two sides or the spectrum.

Shagall, Yelena. "Racism Plagues College Campus." Chicago Flame. University Of Illinois, 21/1/03. Web. 10 Mar 2010. .

This article talks about how racism exits throughout the higher education system and how upcoming affirmative action cases could affect college racism. The article also talks about how despite the perception of a color neutral education system racism is still quite prevalent.

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