Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HW #48- Treatment for savior/ teacher movie

The students walk into the class listening to their ipods, talking not looking particularly interested, meanwhile Mr.K stands at the front. He has tired look on his face, the kind of look that says "I haven't slept in days". As a kid Mr.K wasn't much of a student, he spent most of his time cutting classes and smoking weed in the bathroom. His logic in becoming a teacher was why not, summers off, a good union. However things had started going increasingly down hill. Only fifteen percent of his students passed his midterm and the board of education was on his ass for drinking on the job.
The class continued with its usual slow momentum everyone in the back making noises know-body paying him any attention as he asked the class to open up their text book to look at this and learn that. He tried to deliver a half hearted speech about how if they didn't pay attention they wouldn't pass and go to college and so on. What he didn't realize was in that area know-one in his class was going to college anyway and if anything his speech just turned him off even more, he saw the looks coming at him from students who were living below the poverty line who had never been north of Myrtle avenue. He moved on and went back to his lecture about the Korean war.
The next day K had a meeting with the principle Jack Fanook, he was what most people would consider an over compensator. After sitting down Jack immediately turned red, he had a bad habit of getting to worked up and saying things that most people would consider over the line and an attempt to seem like a macho alpha male. He screamed at K about the student graduation rate and how bad of a teacher K was. He told him that these kids weren't going anywhere, told him that he needs to set some realistic goals for his students and stop expecting so much from them and told him he was a drunk and a know-body. Worse of all he gave the news that no teacher wants to hear. He's calling the D.O.E. to have him rubber roomed. After that K walks out of the room go's to his classroom and writes on the board "listen to your heart". He then went ahead and took his own life.

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