Thursday, January 7, 2010

HW 31

Part A: For this assignment I decided to ask someone from outside the school. Someone who was totally unaware of what were studying and has no knowledge that I intend to put their answers on the internet. Whenever I saw this person I always noticed that he kept his head down. Rarely acknowledged other peoples existance. Also I noticed that he never seemed to get excited or anxious. So I then asked him a general question, do you think people enact certain body trends to improve their social status? He agreed and went on a bit of a tangent about how a lot of the people in his neighborhood walk a certain way to try and seem like a badass. So then I decided to ask a more personal question. Do think living in that environment has passed on some of those traits? "Nah, fuck that. That's od herb status." So since he became comfortable with the idea about talking about himself I wanted to finish with a more personal question. What do you think are some of the things you do to project your own image. "How would I know, I just do what I do, I mean basically it comes natural to me I just do what I feel so its like whatever I geuss". Out of asking these questions I came to the conclusion that even though people are totally aware of how other people try to project themeselves that when it comes to talking about their own projection they're hesistant to examine themeselves and they know that their doing a performance of somekind but they like to phrase it as a natural projection. In other words a performance that's a natural gift rather then a well thought out and rehersed drama.

Part B: For myself I think that there are three different personas that I take on. The first that comes to mind would be "the ball buster". I have a habbit of picking up on peoples weaknesses and exploiting them for comic effect. However I don't think that I do it in a mean way or a nasty way. Secondly I think that I'm kind of a fan of 1950's culture so a lot of things like the hair and sometimes my overall attitude is a bit of a representation of that. Finally I also think that I try and act like a smart ass sometimes. As long as I can remember I've also thought that proving somebody wrong who constantly thinks their right is an extremely satisfying feeling. A lot of these attitudes come from being an only child. I think that growing up around adults all the time gives you a different kind of competetivenes. Also my parents are both actors and big fans of old movies. So for a long time and maybe still to this day I've tried to be like a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.

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