Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hw 23

cool is a very vague term which is often put in line with popular but I'm not convinced. I think that people often become popular just for the reason that they have more balls then most. Not in a sence that they puch everybody that looks at them funny but in a way that they are willing to talk to someone they don't even know or make outrageous comments in front of people. But if you ask me being cool is the ability to present yourself in a original (or seeming so) way. That could mean anything from style humor or ability with the opposite sex. One idea that is repeated often is self confidence. Basically being an egotistic prick. To be able to walk down the hallways with the smell of arogance all over you. That ability seems to come mostly from personal insecurity and self loathing, but I could be wrong (but I don't think so).
Being cool also veries from place to place. If you were to take someone considered particularly cool from school of the future and introduce them to the "cool kid" from a private mostly white religious private school, the private school kid would most likely find the sof kid to be a total jerk, and I'm sure the sof kid would feel very much the same about his suburban counter part. Furthermore I think that the New York brand of cool is one of the most unique in the nation. I say that because New Yorkers tend to blend more then any other region in the country. There are very few other places in the nation where cool is a blend of hip hop culture and skater culture or punk culture ect. This most deffinetly comes from the imense diversity of the city; however I highly doubt that any kid would admit that they are inspired by another races culture (unless there a white kid, then they will just deny there white).
One of the final most obvious components of cool is sex. From the male point of view one of the coolest things a man can do is convince a woman to perform some kind of sex on him at a random time. Regardles of style, humor or balls, having sex with a random girl and never calling them again can propel anyone to the top. Staying in that field if a man has sex with another man then they could still stay cool in some peoples eyes but they just won't ever live it down. There going to have to hear all kinds of jokes and even if knowbody says it to their face they know its being said behind their backs. Which brings me to my end point that being popular which generally comes with being cool is not always a good thing. There is always constant criticsm of the person and if they do something considered undesirable then they are thrown to the wolves. Not to mention the fact that most sucessful people you talk to generally have some horor story about being picked on in high school which often they follow up with how that person that picked on them is now a loser and not doing anything with their life. Which in some cases is true sometimes not hard to make a definate call, point is when your on the top someone will always want to bring you down.

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