Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16

For my paper my thesis is the development of digital social networking and digital based communication has abstructed the privacy of our lives. The major points that im going to make to back up this thesis is the availability to view the intimate details of our lives, the use of emails facebook photos and phone conversations to criminaly or socially indict someone and the use of laws which give government authorities the ability to violate or privacy.
For my first arguement that viewing the intimate details of our lives via digital is relatively easy is supported by the fact that if you type in email hacking on to google you will see a million adds about how to hack someones email acount or security breaches in certain types of email acounts so on and so on. Also anyone who has seen a news story on someone under twenty then they most likely saw that persons facebook on the news. Phone tapping is an age old tradition and its only getting easier and easier for someone to have access to the kind of technology to listen to someones phone conversations.
In my second arguement Im going to talk about how many people famous or not have either had their reputations or careers ruined because of things they either said or have been photoraphed or in some cases just talked about. In the modern day of digital communication the ability to privately talk about your views and experiences can easily be violated.


  1. I really like the point you are trying to prove here because people really are becoming more social people and you can't just try to avoid it. Because you need to fit in and be apart of social networking. But by doing that you loose who you are as a person. You loose all self identity in the idea to be what everyone wants you to be. What i disagree with is that privacy is something people knowingly and willingly give up. You should focus on why people would do something like that and how that type of thing is encouraged and why. What type of privacy is necessary and what type is still accesable if any is still avaible to the public without a cost. So what is the cost will?

  2. To Will C,

    You know what Will, after reading Sam's outline, I was about to ask him for help, but when I read your thesis; I dont know who to ask for help. Your thesis was deep; "digital based communication has abstructed the privacy of our lives." Makes me think that technologies are invading our privacy. You have great supporting evidence. I like the point when you came up of how people are jealous of others, and decided to stalk or hack them. When Sam mention about you shouldnt talk about people and their privacy.... I think you should. You have a strong thesis and if you mention about people privacy.. I think it will come out to be a excellent paper. Nice work Will, cant wait to read your essay.
