Thursday, October 29, 2009

HW 15

Quinn, Very interesting and good work. For 13 B i agree with a lot of what you are saying. I also believe that M.T. Anderson has a way of getting into our heads and making us be more aware of the world around us. I also agree with what you said about recomending the book to younger generations of people to try and make them more aware of the negative affects of digital on the body and the mind. I also really liked your point about how sooner or later we all will be dead so it is good to stop and look around the world a bit and not trap ouselves in a little box.
For Feed A I also have been wondering who M.T. Anderson is and what inspired him to write Feed. It seems like he has a very interesting and cultured background, and its somewhat surprising that he went to Harvard because he didn't write with that stuck up ivy league I'm better then you mentality which is seen in a lot of non fiction writing from professors. So thanks for doing that reaserch real interesting stuff. Furthermore your right that almost everybody would flip a shit if technology went down on us out of the blue one day. If I had to take a geuss then I would probably geuss like 5-8% of the population wouldn't go crazy. If you need any evidence for that point just go back and remember y2k, and that was before ipods wireless internet and widespred use of dvds. So your totally right on that point. Also your right that we follow in other peoples footstep's if we went to a school where all the girls were in dresses and the guys looked like they got there from 1957 I don't think that a new kid would do anything much different even if he didn't like it. Same applies for digital so again real good observation.
I must admit that after reading your post on the self experiment Ive concluded that you have more courage then me! If I lost the internet on my phone I probably would never recover. Your right however that people don't need as much connection as they have. Meening that if you can call, text, and I.M. someone from home then your probably plenty connected. I think that most people could live without internet on the phone but your right that most people couldnt live without a home computer of some kind.
In conclusion I really liked your posts and I think that you wrote some really great stuff and put out some real inteligent ideas. The only criticsms I can think of is I would have liked to see you do more on your self experiment like maybe some more analysis about how your experiment would aply to other people. Also maybe after you talked about recomending the book to your little brother talk about how digital might affect his generation. Anyway great work hope to read some more in the future.

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