Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HW 12

I think that there are many parts of Feed that can be compared to modern life. Just like the characters in feed I think that peoples ability to read write and think for themselves has diminished because a constant rush of advertising and 24 hour everything thats not good for you (theres nothing good for you thats available 24hours). At the same time I think that feed makes young people look more ignorant then they truly are. Older generations have been putting down the younger generations as long as there have been young generations to put down. Many people thought that in the 1960s the young generation was a disgrace to the country with the high rates of drug use and pre merital sex and now there viewed as one of Americas great generations. I think that could end up true of this generation.

1 comment:

  1. To Will C,

    Will, damn man! I was reading your homework assignment number 10 and...omg... it is sick. Fucking disgusting. I ont mean you are disgusting or sick. I meant the link that you research on... it is killing me but in the other hand, it was pretty interesting.

    Your first paragraph about how cell phone can affect our human health sound pretty interesting. I though that cell phones radiation will just cause dizziness or a small impact to your ears and head, but it can have a risk of getting a mouth and brain tumors. That's fucking crazy. I search up "tumors" and it was awful. There's this picture showing two girls talking on the phone and in their head was a picture of a tumor. Makes me wanna stop using my sidekick. Fucking ugly ass hell.

    Your blog is amazing. I am gonna add all your links into my final essay. Thanks for the work. And one more thing, next time, try to interpret more details. Looking forwarding to read your final essay.

    Oh yeah! I also read over your homework "Feed A" and I think you did a solid job. You explain how the book is connected to our world and makes our younger generation more ignorant. I also agree that 24 hour everything is not good for you. You just have to add more thoughts into your blog such as including details from Feed. Next time, just write a little bit more. Thank you for posting up your blog.
