Monday, October 5, 2009

Homework 10

For this post I decided to look at cell phone radiation and its effects on human health.
This article juggles around many different theories about radiation and whether or not cell phone radiation causes cancer or not. On the one hand a very extensive study has shown a connection between long term cell phone use and an increased risk of mouth and brain toumars, which causes concern but on the other hand the American cancer society, the world health organization and the food and drug administration have stated that there is no danger in using wireless devices. Even though these organizations have gained a lot of fame and reputation there statements have not been enough to keep the nations of Germany, Israel and France from limiting use of cell phones particularly in young children.
This article showed a number of studies most of which showed that there is a link between cell phone use and brain toumars. A senior scientist at the EWG said that "there’s increased risk of developing brain tumors in long term users — people who have used cellphones for more than 10 years — from radiation in cellphones". This article also hypothesizes that because of the strong lobbying force from the telecommunications industry that lawmakers are resistant to increase radiation standards. Many scientists and non partisan groups believe that the U.S.'s radiation standard which today stands at 1.6 watts is dangerously high.
This article is an oppinion piece in which the author takes the stance that cell phones are dangerous and a hazard to human health and that people should cut down their use of cell phones and cell phone companies should be held accountable for the dangers of cell phone use. He also points to some studies that have been done which point to cell phones causing brain toumars. He also points out some facts about phones producing radiation even when not being used for calls and he also talked about "second hand radiation" and how that is also a danger.

1 comment:

  1. To Will C,

    Will, damn man! I was reading your homework assignment number 10 and...omg... it is sick. Fucking disgusting. I ont mean you are disgusting or sick. I meant the link that you research on... it is killing me but in the other hand, it was pretty interesting.

    Your first paragraph about how cell phone can affect our human health sound pretty interesting. I though that cell phones radiation will just cause dizziness or a small impact to your ears and head, but it can have a risk of getting a mouth and brain tumors. That's fucking crazy. I search up "tumors" and it was awful. There's this picture showing two girls talking on the phone and in their head was a picture of a tumor. Makes me wanna stop using my sidekick. Fucking ugly ass hell.

    Your blog is amazing. I am gonna add all your links into my final essay. Thanks for the work. And one more thing, next time, try to interpret more details. Looking forwarding to read your final essay.

    Oh yeah! I also read over your homework "Feed A" and I think you did a solid job. You explain how the book is connected to our world and makes our younger generation more ignorant. I also agree that 24 hour everything is not good for you. You just have to add more thoughts into your blog such as including details from Feed. Next time, just write a little bit more. Thank you for posting up your blog.
