Sunday, May 9, 2010


Taking the survey was just like any other survey that I have taken. I didn't feel like any of the questions were going to surprise anyone or make anyone think differently about any of the topics covered. I think that the main reason for not taking it that seriously is that we all know how the test is going to be looked at and what the test is looking for. I think that if your taking a survey and you don't know how its going to be measured someones more likely to tell the truth or at least provide a more interesting response.
One of the main things I noticed in the survey is that when it came to family matters people seemed to all be in line. Now to some that would make them think that we have a school full of people with happy home lifes but I think that its pretty coincidential. In my oppinion this is example of how the survey isn't fully accurate. I just have a hard time believing that everyone has these totally different views on sexuality or what not but at home everybody is living the same life. Mostly for the reason that many views that people have and experiences they have are inspired by or a direct result of their upbringing.
I think that the survey done by the department of education was most likely a lot more accurate. The main reason that I say that is because I think that since people know that the results are just going to some beuracrat somewhere and being anlyzed in an office in midtown and not like our survey being looked at and analyzed by people we know and encounter everyday. I think that because we deal with the people that wrote the survey and are looking at the survey somehow that makes people think that their more at risk to being exposed. Besides that the department of education survey was also able to spark some more revealing answers. Particularly answers regarding the racial disparity and lack of contreception among certain ethnic and geographical groups.

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