Monday, May 17, 2010


Part 1: What kind of effect does social class and economic structure have on building relationships for adollecesnts?

Part 2: Sam, your two questions seem to have great potential for coming together and making a very interesting and informative study. However I think that to find a clear and insightfull answer you should think about making your question as clear and focused as possible. For example, what kind of relationships, what sorts of action's do friends take in effecting these relationships. Also as far as the amount of friends someone has I think that some things to think about are; if one has more friends does that open up the door for bad influnces? If, yes is that inspired by a feeling of cockiness among the person with all of those friends and if no is there some kind of necessary isolation at times and is there truly too much of a good thing.

Christian, I think that one of most important interactions teenagers have are with adults and I think that with this question you really have an opportunity to explore the possible inspirations and/or traumas that come from these intereactions. Something that I think would be helpfull to your question would be to specify what kind of adults are kids dealing with and perhaps the context of the interaction; I think that if you leave the door open to different adults in different power positions it's going to be difficult to get a clear answer. Finally I think that it would be cool if you could get different perspectives from people of different backgrounds as to what their definition of a healthy adult too kid relationship is.

Part 3: I can't come up with the wording for it quite yet but I want to revise my question to be specific to two comparative groups. Also a decision hasn't been made as to whether these groups are strictly economic or maybe an ethnic or racial component could be interesting. Also I want to look into how answerable my question is and make sure that at least I can draw some conclusions that are supportable but I don't think in this format any of them are outright provable.

Gibson, Justin. "What's Wrong With This Picture?." Washington Post 3/18/07: n. pag. Web. 18 May 2010. .
This article is a first person account of what it is like to be involved in a interacial coupling these days. What I thought was so interesting about this article was the differences between generation. The author said that he felt that amongst members of his own generation there were little to no problems but he felt that he was viewed as an outsider or not accepted by older generations. I thought that this would be helpfull because I think that a lot of our perception of forging relationships differs from older generations and an interacial relationship is a deffinate cross roads of society.

Maiese, Michelle. "Establishment Of Personal Relationships." Beyond Intractability. N.p., September 2003. Web. 18 May 2010. .
This article is basically a run down of relationships and what there importance is to society and how they can have lasting effects on peoples function's in the world. I thought that this would be a good source for my study because to understand the differences in relationships it's helpfull to know something about how relationships work in general.

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