Friday, May 21, 2010


Parenting is something that everyone has an experience of. Whether you were raised by your biological parents or grew up in a foster home everyone has a figure in their life that is clearly identified as the parent or in politically correct terms "guardian". The question is how should we raise kids? Well for starters I think that there is no clear answers and it all determines on a wide arange of variables. For examble the financial resources available, the neighborhood, culture, religion, available schools, all of these things can determine what would make someone an effective parent or render them ineffective. The techniques that might produce a healthy white child in westchester probably wouldn't serve as effective to a African American child in an urban environment. So from that I think that in some circumstances it would be perfectly fair for a parent to give their child "tough love" andbe somewhat mean because if you live in a dangerous area those are the skills that kid needs to have. On the other hand if you live in a very safe area with very good schools then following what the doctors say is perfectly fine. My point is that far too often people make sweeping judgements about how other people parent without considering the outside factors, and the doctors or social theorist's make their analysis far to general.

Even though the direct contact with parents is what makes the biggest difference on raising a child I do think that there's some truth to the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. You can argue that because if you think about all of the people that kids come across and all of the important people in their lives that aren't their parents the life of a child is truly determined by a lot of people. However it's still the parents overall because the path that a child take and the people they meet is determined by the parents and the circumstances tht they set forth.

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